About: ESPsychics
Recent Posts by ESPsychics
The Circle of Life: Have We Met Before? by Michelle S
I know we are soul mates and we’re meant to be together! We’re all energy beings connected through auras, chakras, and character traits that draw us to one another. A strong attraction to another can feel like you “know” the person or have seen them somewhere. There may be something so familiar about this person, […]
Changing Your Energy Now by Sunhee
You are in charge of your own ENERGY, if you want to be happy you will. If you want to stay unhappy you will. Look at your job, your friends, your family. Are you distributing your energy too much? Are you happy after you work your job? Do friends take advantage of your kind ear? […]
Awakening Inner Spirit By Angel
Some may ask, How do I know when the Inner Spirit is awakened? The human mind is complex, having many beliefs. Beliefs that are conscious and others are hidden in the unconscious. Some beliefs activate the Inner Spirit and others put it to ‘sleep’. When the human mind dominants by over thinking and you […]
Proactive vs Reactive by Terri
It is always best when one can be Proactive and not Reactive. When one is faced with a situation that throws us a curve our immediate sense is to react. This then puts us into fear and panic, but if we can flip the switch, think, and be proactive we WIN. I always like to […]
Why Do Psychic Readings Fail? By Vaishali
Psychics are considered to be “seers” – they can foresee the future. They possess the ability of clairvoyance or clear vision to be able to see into the future using ESP or a sixth sense. Depending on the psychic, they may also possess clairaudience meaning psychic hearing or hearing in a paranormal manner. Claircognizance or knowingness allows a psychic to connect […]
Magic of Sound by Patti
This month I am going to talk about the magic of sound. Cultures the world over use sound to attune to, invoke, and transform consciousness. Sound is a powerful tool, because it is vibrational in nature, and we are vibrational beings. Modern science shows us that all life is vibrational in nature. This is in […]
Dream School by Patti
This month I am going to talk about “Dream School”. Well, “Dream School” is what I call it! Night time is a wonderful time to connect to spirit and get answers and guidance from the universe. Plus it is a wonderful tool in developing one’s own intuition and psychic ability! One reason for it, is […]
Value by Isabelle
I recently received a little story on a post from a dear friend, in India. The story had to do with a man, who could not hold on to his pens. One day a friend suggested he buy a very expensive pen. Never in a million years, did he expect to pay that kind of […]
When One Reading Is Enough by Kimberly
Being Psychic is intriguing, however, being a Medium makes life worthwhile. As a Certified Psychic and Medium my life is nothing more than fun and entertaining and I have been blessed so many times by the people who come into my life. At a recent Psychic and Holistic Fair is was business as usual reading […]
Diary of a Seaside Therapist by Elaine
The atmosphere at the spiritualist church was highly charged with energy as eighteen people sat expectantly, waiting for their first ever meditation circle to begin. We all shifted about on hard wooden chairs smiling nervously at one another. I knew that meditation was the key to my spiritual development and was excited and anxious all […]
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