What is Love? by Sheri

14 Feb, 2014

What is Love? by Sheri

What Is Love?

Did you know that the above question was the most searched phrase on Google in 2012?

Did you know that love is the easiest aspect of life and yet as humans, we tend to make it so very complicated?

I am here to answer the age old question for all of you.  I am here to show you how to give love, be open to love, and grow through love.

Famous Statements of Love Throughout the Years

When you travel back thousands of years to the words of Paul in the Bible (1 Corinthians 13:4-7) he writes the following:  “Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous, love does not brag and is not arrogant, love does not act unbecomingly, love does not seek its own and is not provoked, love does not take into account a wrong suffered and love does not rejoice in unrighteousness.”

And what about one of the most spoken statements that we hear pertaining to the Easter season “And God so loved the world…”

As you progress through the years, there are many philosophers, poets, spiritualists, musicians and romantics who all wrote about love from their own point of view which resulted in many quotes that you tend to hear to this day, such as:

“Love is never having to say I’m sorry.  Love is unconditional.  Love is respect.  I send you love and light. Love will cure what ails you.  If loving you is wrong, I don’t want to be right. If you love someone and set them free and they come back to you, they’re yours; if they don’t come back, then thy never were.”

Deepak Chopra wrote:  “Love is considered the most basic emotion that human awareness can feel, therefore it is the closest to the source of life.”

Bruce Lee wrote:  “Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning, a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering.  As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep burning and unquenchable.”

Mother Teresa wrote:  “The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.”

Sai Baba wrote:  “Love one another and help others to rise to the higher levels, simply by pouring out love. Love is infectious and the greatest healing energy.”

Unconditional Love

Everyone has their own ideas about love however the one constant that you must remember is that love is the reason we are here on this planet.  The purpose of each and every one of us is to reach a place inside of us where we can achieve unconditional love for all.  And the first person that you need to find this with is yourself.

I am here to put a new and fresh spin on love which encompasses all of the above with a twist.

We were put on this earth to ultimately achieve unconditional love.  Our pets have it.  You can kick a pet dog or step on it and when you come home they will still be there, wagging their tail, happy to see you.  All they require is some food and water, a pat on the head, a walk and acknowledgment that they are wanted and to them that relates as love.  That is why our dogs have such a short life span – they know the true meaning of unconditional love.  They have nothing to learn in this area.  They are also here to teach us, the human, how to do the same.

Love must start at home with yourself.  How can you expect to find true love or to love another when you do not love yourself?  How can you expect another person to love you when you are constantly putting yourself down, bringing out the negative aspects of your life and not loving yourself.  Love starts by getting up, looking into your eyes in a mirror, giving yourself the biggest hug and saying “I love myself” every single day until you know it is the truth of you and you truly love yourself.

Then watch how your life changes for the better.  You have just learned how to give yourself unconditional love.  Others will feel this and be attracted into your circle.  Your true love (your soul mate) will magically appear.   You will feel as if you’ve known each other for years.  You will become one and yet still hold onto your uniqueness.

Love is Forgiveness and Letting Go of the Past 

Probably one of the most important lessons of love is that you must be able to forgive and let go of the past in order to achieve true love.  When you carry those things which have happened to you  or that you have done to another throughout your life, you lose the ability to trust and love.  You must forgive everyone who has hurt you in the past, including yourself.  You must let the past go and move forward one step at a time in order to obtain the Highest level of love.  You cannot change the past no matter how much you think about it so what purpose does it serve?  Holding onto anger or unforgiveness, what purpose does it serve?  Absolutely no purpose whatsoever.  Let it go.  You will find that when you replace unforgiveness, anger, hate, despise, revenge and all the negative aspects you can conjure up in your mind,  with love, your life is going to skyrocket to new heights.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, as we are in February which is on many calendars as the month of love, I am asking that you all take a minute to find a way to love at a new level.  When you see your friends, give them a hug.  When you are with your family, let them all know that you love them no matter what.  You may not like their behaviour however you love them as a person.  When you cross the path of a stranger, send them a loving smile, a blessing or a silent prayer and know that you have released the chain of spreading love. Strive to reach the heights of unconditional love at all times and know that is that love that Source, your angels and your spirit guides give you every single minute of every day.

