A Time For Inspiration by Lumien

20 Jun, 2013

A Time For Inspiration by Lumien

Time for inspirationA time for inspiration from the energetic webstrings in our lives.

A truly loving time is where we all came from. No time for hate. No time for destruction. Since we have turned the Mayan Calendar we may be able to change our lives vastly..blossom into the butterflies we are meant to be. Care for all living things,trust in nature, and our natural lives,believe in your spirituality,listen to words of timeless wisdom,be kind,be caring,be understanding and  be strong. Most of all be honest to yourself.

Those traits are given to you at birth. So many of us have forgotten. Listen to your higher self for the next three months,our gateway is open. Those who chose to become better …Will..be better..dramatically…those who never thought life had love or good fortune… Will. have love and good fortune…..a wish to be kind…. Will .make you kind. Please open your hearts and listen ….be guided to be challenged and flurish in a positive,loving, and happy way.  If you seek guidance come. It is a time for all acceptance and forgiveness. Your higher self feels this and knows this. It is yours for the taking…the first steps my be hard…we are here to help you,like loving parents,proud of their children. Look to your guides,your faith,your spirituality,your beliefs.

Thank you for your immense love and support…Lumien
